How to be a good friend?


Numerous of us have had friends in our lives over time. Some friends we make as children and also lose contact with as we grow aged. Other friends, we make as grown-ups and stay in touch with as long as we’re in close proximity to and it's accessible to keep in touch but also over time one moves down or busy schedules sluggishly pull us piecemeal and we start to lose touch. Those friendships fall into “good friends” or “close friends” as the opening quotation cites. But also, there’s that last group of friends, those we call true friends, they are those we have collective caring about, and we understand each other’s hearts, and where bonds are formed between us that gauge any distance in proximity and where the bonds run so deep that no quantum of time piecemeal or lack of words will change the way we feel about that friend. These are our true friends, and when come into your life cherish them!

It is really important to have a true friend, who’s always there for you. When you are in trouble, he or she has to be there for you, indeed when you feel sad, angry, frenetic, or indeed happy. Friends must be by your side. It does not mean that you don't have to do the same effect. No, you have to do the same effects and indeed try to do commodity more. First, to find a real friend, you have to show them you are also this kind of friend. You have to show that watch about your friend by esteeming them, loving them, and participating in their passions. That is why friends are for. You might be a bad friend if you start condemning them for everything. Perhaps you do not realize that you feel like nothing is your fault and you’re always right and everything wrong is because of them. And you spend time only when you need commodity because that’s the rudest thing you are doing in your fellowship. You must have to suppose how they feel and perhaps occasionally you are saying effects that may hurt more than shanks. Yeah, you may argue from time to time, but that is alright. It's natural. You have to know when they are serious and when frothy because this can make you fight. Make your friend feel wanted, for illustration to say the words, you are similar to a good friend, “I like hanging out with you so much. You do not have to be together 24 hours and you both need space. Be honest with your words, because that helps the friendship. However, also you have to learn how to apologize if you did commodity bad to your friend. And do not indeed suppose that you are going to swallow your pride or commodity. You have to start saying yes to your friend and also make further time for them. 



Qualities of a Good friend:

Feeling good: good friend says nice effects to each other. They lift each other up and give respect. So, not only should you feel good about yourself but you should also help your friend feel good.

Supporting each other: In sad moments when your friend feels down or blue, a good friend thing to do is to help them feel more.

Love the difference: There's no possible way that your musketeers will have all the same interests or pursuits as you. Indeed, if you and your friend’s interests don't line up, remain open. However, understand that good friend encourage each other indeed in their separate interests if you do not.

Be a good listener: Be sure to hear and not intrude on your friend. In a healthy fellowship, both parties are interested in what the other has to say.

Be a trustworthy friend: Good friends aren't hypercritical, and they keep private information nonpublic.

Maintain respect and respectful boundaries: still, there are sure to be issues that arise, If you're friends with someone for long enough. maybe you'll do or say commodity that will upset your friend. Or perhaps they've done commodities that upset you. Either way, close musketeers can candidly talk about these effects and work through their issues.

Give them your time: Making a close connection takes work and time. By giving your friends time regularly, maybe at first, it may feel awkward, but more and more, you both will feel more comfortable.

Reciprocal connection: Being a good friend does not just mean harkening to your friend or vice versa. Strong friendships are collective; no one person should be dominant.

Create community: certain fellowship connections can feel special, like having a good friend. It's always a great thing to have further than one friend in your life. Having many good friends can widen your perspective on life, give you different types of friendships and increase your support.

Quality over quantity: while having a community is essential, you can feel pressured to have a lot of friends in this ultramodern age of social media followers. Still, repel this pressure. It's more important to have quality and close connections to smaller people than to numerous superficial friends.


They can make us laugh when all we want to do is cry. And no matter how far piecemeal time and distance may beget us to grow from one another, and indeed if death takes one of them from this world to the coming, we always have the comfort of knowing that these true friends are still there for us, indeed if only in spirit, cheering us on and wishing us the stylish, because that's what true musketeers do for each other.

When someone is authentically your true friend, they leave a print on your heart that will no way go down not with time and not with distance. True friends secure a place in your heart ever. I'm ever thankful for the true musketeers in my life, both those who are alive and those who have passed down, thank you so much for being my true friends.


We can see people have different suggestions. But substantially, they suppose that trust is the most important thing in friendships. However, also that is a real and true friend if you trust them and they trust you about keeping a secret and you keep it. You have to watch more for your friend and indeed occasionally, you can buy them gifts, no matter if they’ve birthday or not. We can proudly say that we’re real and true friends if you all do these effects with your friends. 
